Enforcement Lawyer
Serving Houston, TX
Is Someone Not Holding Up Their End Of The Bargain
In Your Child Custody Or Support Case? Hold Them Accountable
With Firm Legal Action

Don’t Let The Other Parent Of Your Child Ignore A Court Order
In some cases, individuals choose not to follow court orders and continue to neglect their child custody and child support responsibilities.
Often, the one not following court orders gets away with it, leaving the involved child or children hurt in the end.
However, there are severe consequences for not following a court order that maps out measures for the benefit of a child. Some common punishments include penalties and jail time for up to 6 months.
If the threat of enforcement doesn’t work in your case, let the other person know that you are willing to take your case back to court – this time, with consequences in tow.
You don’t need to sit around feeling as though you don’t have a choice.
Hold that person in contempt.
Call Daniels Law Firm to get started. (346) 236-0230
Don’t Be Afraid To
Stand Up For Yourself
It shouldn’t be up to you to continue to remind the other parent about their role and responsibilities defined by a court order.
You should never have to feel as though your children are being kept from you if you have a mutual agreement about visitation.
There should be no need to worry about receiving what is owed if the other parent to your children has a child support obligation in place.
Unfortunately, it’s seen time and time again where one parent is violating their court order and failing their family.
But you should know that you have choices when you need to go beyond positive encouragement.

We Have
Your Back
The total amount of child support is only paid out in full to about 43.5% of custodial parents, while more than 30 percent of parents don’t receive anything at all.
Aside from financial neglect, some parents choose to use their own children to manipulate or mistreat the other parent. And while it isn’t right or fair, you may feel trapped into giving in and giving up.
It can be hard to hold another adult accountable, especially if you try to avoid confrontation. But we don’t mind.
When you have Daniels Law Firm on your side in your enforcement case, we do everything in our power to ensure you and your children are being heard and protected.